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Super English Application

Important information for those interested in joining the Super English team.


🌟Join Our Team of Energetic Super Teachers🌟

Are you passionate about teaching English, Math, and Science to primary-level students? Do you have a zest for creating engaging and dynamic lesson plans and learning environments? We’re on the lookout for hardworking, outgoing, professional, and flexible applicants to join our team at Super English Language School in early May, 2025.


🎉Why join us? 


✨ Fun Atmosphere: We believe in creating a positive and enjoyable learning environment for both students and teachers. The students are well-behaved, intelligent, and eager to learn. The working environment is friendly, and relaxed. These positions are tailored for those who enjoy being creative while teaching, are comfortable in a professional organization, like to laugh and have fun in the classroom, and are willing to work hard to make sure the students experience an enjoyable and productive time while learning.


✨ Supportive Team: We give our teachers the time and space they need to develop at their own pace while offering support any time they want or need it. There is a Thai teaching assistant in every class. Upon your arrival we provide full support with finding housing, comprehensive training and orientation, as well as full support throughout your entire contract. 


✨ What we offer: 

- 37,500 baht per month flat starting salary

- 25 teaching hours per week (weekends off)

- 20,000 baht for the holiday month of October

- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. workday

- Accident insurance coverage

- minimum amount of paperwork

- one-year contract, with 2,500 baht salary raise for each additional contract signed

- three-week travel break in October

- all national holidays paid, as well as a 1-2 week Christmas break

- two-month travel break in March and April

- all one-year visas and work permits provided by the school


✅ Job Requirements: 


You are:

- A native English speaker

- Flexible, fun, and outgoing

- Open minded, and enthusiastic

- Young at heart


You have:

- A four-year university degree

- Patience and professionalism 

- An interest in learning and a genuine desire to teach English to the children of Surat Thani


🗣️ Communication Skills: Fluent in English with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.


🎓 Education: Minimum four-year university degree. TEFL/TESOL supplemental certification welcome but not necessary.  


🤝 Team Player: Collaborate effectively with colleagues and school administration. 


🗓️ Availability: Full-time positions available starting in early May, 2025. 


✉️ How to Apply: If you are excited about creating an impact on young minds and being part of a dynamic team, we’d love to hear from you! Send your resume, cover letter, current photo, and university diploma scan to Join us in making learning an enjoyable journey for our students!

To apply for this position, please send an email with your attached RESUME, CURRENT PHOTO, UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA SCAN, as well as RESPONSES to the questions in the downloadable file to

Additional Testimonials:

Here are additional comments from teachers:​

"“I really like that the Thidamaepra campus is conveniently located in the heart of the city. Easy access to resources such as shopping, transport, food, and entertainment can be massively timesaving. The campus itself comprises a collection of modern and contemporary buildings mixed with a large garden area and ample parking. This wide-open plan is a breath of fresh air in the busy urban center. Having taught in rural and small-town schools prior, I recognize that it is the staff, resources, and location that have bolstered my return year after year. The mutual respect between Super English and Thai staff is the foundation of our success. This supportive working relationship with Super English is the topping on the cake! Despite my long personal commute, it is the best job I've ever had.” – Leo Ouellette, Head Teacher, three years with SE, continuing for a fourth

“I’m coming up on six years working with Super English and I still enjoy each day as much as I did when I first entered the classroom at Thidamaepra. The only difference is – wait. Who am I kidding? There’s a living list of differences. Most importantly, I feel like I have a firm handle on day-to-day teaching, and it’s awesome. I’ve stuck with the same class for two years and plan on continuing with them into the next year. They know how I operate, and I know their strengths, weaknesses, personalities, and quirks. It’s been impressive watching their abilities grow and hearing target sentences we studied previously being used in everyday conversation. Many things are still the same as the day I accepted Peter’s job offer too though, especially the support and communication of management. If ever I have a question, I know it will be addressed completely in a timely fashion. Teachers also have full autonomy of their classrooms – think of yourself as the CEO of your class. Want to implement a new point system? Go ahead! It isn’t working? Scrap it. See what sticks. You have the freedom. Super English sets itself apart from the crowd for these reasons and with that eliminates the usual stresses which often accompany teaching in a foreign country and allow teachers to focus on, well, teaching. I’m looking forward to continuing with Super English for my sixth (wow!) year.” – Tom Pernecker, seven years with SE

“The decision to sign on for a fourth year of teaching with Super English at Thidamaepra School in Surat Thani was an easy one to make. Ever since day one, I have felt like I have been making a difference in my students’ lives. I have very special relationships with my students and my Thai co-teachers– my students and I play games during break time, they are comfortable enough to ask me questions in class, and my co-teachers and I trust each other to always do what is best for the students. I don’t think I would be able to have these great experiences anywhere else. Also, since day one, whenever I have had any questions about salary, passport information, teaching tips, etc. the Super English staff has always been there to help! Thank you, Super English, for allowing me to continue this great adventure! If you want to work for a company that allows you to teach the way you want and if you want to live in a place that is comfortable and HOT, then working for Super English in Surat Thani is the way to go!” – Matthew Phillips, five years with SE

“To be honest, when I read the testimonials on the Super English website as I tried to decide whether or not to move across the world, I thought they sounded too good to be true. But I can truthfully say that Super English has not only met my expectations but exceeded them. After living in Thailand for four months now, I have met several Americans from different agencies who have told horror stories of visa problems and disorganization, but I have never had to worry about that working for Super English. Everything runs smoothly thanks to Peter’s expert leadership and the amazing staff of Super English, enabling me to focus solely on my students and becoming the best teacher that I can be. Back home, I felt stifled in a job that did not allow me much creativity or any independence to make decisions, but teaching with Super English has been the complete opposite and has already helped my professional development immensely. No two days are ever alike when you’re a teacher, and I love facing new challenges each day and knowing that I always have complete support from Peter and Super English. I couldn’t ask for better students, better co-workers, or a better school at which to teach, and Surat Thani is the perfect place to call home in Thailand—the people are friendly, it’s not touristy, and it’s close to the beautiful islands and beaches. A large amount of vacation time and the ability to travel is one of the benefits of teaching with Super English, but honestly I miss my students and enjoy my job so much that I can’t wait to come back to work—something you never would have heard me say back in America. The decision to leave America took me weeks to make, but the decision to stay another year with Super English in Surat Thani only took me five minutes.” – Sarah Anderson, two years with SE

“Bottom line first: SE a phenomenal agency to work for. They provide support, resources, and stand-up good quality management on every level. SE’s website alone does a reassuring job about working for the company (Peter and the rest of the team are amazing and there for you with anything you might need!). Personally, I really appreciate the organization and communication that the SE team provides. It might seem like a small technicality, but it’s way too easy to find a Thai agency whose communication structure is significantly sub-par and consequently frustrating for its English teachers. Go with SE, it’s an incredible decision! When I came to Surat, I hadn’t researched the city itself whatsoever, but I usually meet people who are mainly concerned with the city itself – its location in relation to tourist destinations in Thailand, its outdoor options, etc. In my opinion, Surat is an unbeatable place to live and grow. The community of expats here is solid – large enough to hold regular events like pub quiz nights and soccer matches, but small enough to know almost every foreigner by name. The locals in Surat make you feel like a celebrity when you just walk down their street or into their shop! The people here genuinely make you feel like they’re lucky to have you here. Also, they cheer you on when you go running! Almost everyone who passes you will give you a big smile, wave, honk, thumbs up, or all of the above! This is the perfect example of how living in Surat is. It is an impeccable combination of great foreigners, friendly locals, fantastic prices, beautiful jungle, delicious food, and sweet kids! Working for SE and living in Surat has been fantastic!” – Rhyanna LeGault, two years with SE

“I’m currently finishing my fourth year with Super English working at Thidamaepra. It’s amazing how one year turns into many and I think that speaks volumes as to the overall experience working at Super English. Peter and the team have always gone out of their way to make sure all the administrative work is taken care of so I can fully focus my efforts on teaching and enjoying my time in Surat Thani. It’s been instrumental to my success and development to have this support and assistance. Super English has always gone above and beyond to help with teaching assistance, Thai language classes, social activities for the team, etc. I think that really sets us apart from other schools. Being so far away from home, it was very important to me to have a company who was there for me, helped me though bumps along the road, and fostered my personal / professional growth and development. Super English has worked tirelessly to make sure we have a great team and a positive working environment. That’s important as it translates over to the kids, which is the most important part! I’ve been blessed to work with my kids from grade three to grade six and Super English was fully supportive and encouraging of the bond I’ve formed with my students.
I’ve always felt like a part of the Surat community. Surat is a very warm and accessible city. Plenty to do around town and a new adventure is only a bus ride or ferry ride away to a new city, island, or town! To me, it’s offered a great way to integrate into Thai culture and feel like an active participant in town. It’s always cute when I’m out and about and I hear, “Teacher!!” with a smiling, bright face. I couldn’t imagine working for a different company in Thailand and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made!" – Keith Mangan, five years with SE

“One of the most enjoyable aspects of working for Super English at Thidamaepra is the perfect balance of Thai and western culture. At Thida, we are surrounded by Thai culture every day in the classroom. But it is both a relief and a comfort to have a boss and colleagues that are western. I love the confusion and immersion I feel at Thida on a daily basis. The surprise assemblies for reasons I cannot fathom and ridiculous antics of my Thai kids is what makes this job something I thoroughly and truly enjoy. For example, last week we were surprised by an assembly that was some kind of mix of the biblical story ‘The Demons and The Pigs’, a memorial for the founders of Thida and of course no Thai gathering is complete without a belting solo of the popular 90’s hit song Zombie by The Cranberries. It was in Thai so we were all left a little uncertain about how any of these related, but that is what makes this experience so intriguing for me. That being said some Thai antics are not align with western working culture, such as sudden holiday changes, or unrealistic teaching expectations. It is the times like those that I am happy to work for a company run with the same western working ideals I grew up with. I have never had to worry about my visa paperwork, was given a place to stay upon arrival in Surat Thani free of charge and given a thorough introduction to the ins and outs of Thai culture from a western perspective. Working in an office of westerners also has many advantages. Since we are all in the same boat in a certain sense, we can swap ideas, share experiences and most importantly we have the support of peers when something Thai rubs you the wrong way- whether that be a lunch that sets your mouth on fire, or an unreasonable request from a Thai teacher. Overall my experience at Thida with Super English has been a wonderfully perfect mix of Thai and western culture, and I give it the highest recommendation to anyone wanting the best of both worlds.” – Shea Lovato, one year with SE

“Working in Thailand has been one of the most important and life-changing decisions I've made in my life. After spending a year teaching abroad in Korea, Thailand and Super English have been a breath of fresh air. I've been able to experiment with my teaching and classroom management in a way that's allowed me to really find who I am as a teacher. SE has given me the flexibility to run my classroom the way I see fit, as well as the opportunity to develop a close relationship with my students and really feel a sense of pride about what I do in class on a daily basis. Super English provided the means by which this part of my life was able to unfold. Through the creative and flexible work environment offered by Super English, I've been able to develop as a teacher, grow as a professional, and find a lifelong passion as an educator.” – Jade Church

“I've been with SE for over two years now and have been really happy with my time here. It is a wonderful place to develop, expand, and tune your teaching skills. You have lots of freedom and support to create who you are as teacher, while you work alongside an awesome team of hard-working, professional teachers. Teaching with Super English is truly one of the best jobs I have ever had. Deciding to renew my contract (twice) was an easy choice and consistently proves to be a good decision. Working for Super English has continued to provide me with ongoing support, a community of wonderful co-workers and friends, and irreplaceable experience both in and outside the classroom. The parties and events hosted by Peter have always been a nice treat and have made my time here in Surat much more memorable than it might have otherwise been. I always feel lucky that I found SE and I'm looking forward to the rest of my time here.” – Kristin Brown

“Moving to Thailand to teach English was the scariest yet best decision I've ever made. In the beginning I was extremely nervous about this life transition. Super English took away those nerves and has made this transition easy. Every step of the way from your arrival, to training, to paper work, Super English is there to help. I love my job and my fellow co-workers so much that I have signed on to stay another year. Super English has helped provide such a fun environment and rewarding experience that I am not ready to leave just yet. I am beyond thankful for my experience here and it would not have gone as smoothly without Super English. I highly recommend this job through Super English to anyone who wants to teach abroad for a reliable company.” – Jenna Devine

"When I moved to Thailand, I knew within my first week that I would want to live here for a while. Staying in Surat Thani to work with Super English for another year was a very easy decision to make, and I'm so glad I did! It has been another great year of living in the Thai jungle, hopping over to the islands any weekend I want, eating lots of Pad Thai, and of course, spending time with the cutest students in the world. Staying on another year with Super has allowed me to experience more and get a taste of everything Thailand has to offer. I went from teaching P5 last year to P3 this year, and I'm so happy I did both because the grade levels are so fun and clever in very different ways. My time spent living in Thailand would not be the same without either of them. Thanks to Super English, I will never regret my decision to leave everything behind and move across the world!" – Allie Groll

“You wouldn’t believe it’s been half a year! What a fantastic 6 months it has been! Re-fueled and re-charged since the October break, being back at Thidamaepra couldn’t be better. The supportive, flexible and driven work environment that Super English continuously provides makes my ambition to grow as a teacher, role model and dedicated professional expand even further. Super English has given me a solid platform for which I can continue to grow. Surpassing all my expectations, Peter and the Super English staff have done an exceptional job in making this life-changing decision an easy one for me. Surat Thani couldn’t feel more like a home and the thought of continuing on for second school year is a great and comforting feeling.” – Emma Thorpe

"I have had an amazing year working at Thida. This is now my third teaching position in my third country and I have nothing but good things to say about both Thida and Super English. Peter and the team are incredibly helpful. Whatever the query, they have always been available to me when needed. The monthly socials are great fun and allow any concerns to be brought up in a friendly and informal setting. It is difficult not to smile when walking around Thida as the kids are so excited and happy to see you all the time that you begin to feel like something of a celebrity. We have a really great group of teachers who consistently share ideas which makes everything that much easier, especially on those days when inspiration is hard to come by. Surat Thani is also a fabulous place to be and I would highly recommend it. The location is excellent leaving us spoiled for choice at the weekends, having to decide between an island, jungle or city trip. I am so pleased I got the opportunity to come here and work with such a great team in, what is essentially paradise, I would make the same choice again in a heartbeat!" – Michelle Harris

“I’ve been in Surat for a little over 2 years now with just a few months to go. Looking back, I remember being really excited about coming here and hoping for a great experience, but Super English has surpassed all my expectations. There’s a reason I signed on for a second contract. And then a third. Thailand is an incredible country and after having seen a lot of it, I'm certain Surat is one of the best places to live here. I love my job and genuinely look forward to seeing my students each day. And I’ve felt completely supported the entire time I’ve been here, with Peter and the Super English staff taking care of the confusing visa process, helping with the transition to Thai life, and sponsoring parties to build team camaraderie. I’m really thankful for SE helping to make my time in Thailand so enjoyable, and I know I'll miss this place a lot once I'm gone.” – Eric Brown

“Teaching English in Thailand can be a very stimulating and awarding experience. Moving to a foreign country by yourself or with a friend can be a little unsettling as well. Super English was there every step of the way to ensure that the visa process and traveling went as smooth as possible. From the very first time I emailed Peter to this very date he has always responded promptly. This was one of the selling features for me while searching for teaching jobs in a foreign country. Any question or concerns you have about teaching in Thailand and the visa process will be answered accurately and by the next day. The next selling feature was the training course provided by Super English. During the training period Peter breaks down the most efficient way to teach a class of foreign students. You are taught how to manage large classes and how to keep their attention. Without this training the first couple of weeks would have been a lot more difficult. The housing provided by Super English is nice and clean and a great way to meet new friends when you arrive in Thailand. Super English was extremely helpful to me and I’m sure they will be to you. I have decided to stay in Thailand for another year and remain with Super English. The first year has gone by so fast with so many good memories in and out of the class room. For me, one year is not long enough. I am really enjoying teaching and the atmosphere at school. The social life in Surat Thani is also great! I am looking forward to meeting the new teachers in May. If you enjoy teaching and having a good time Super English and Thailand are the place for you!” – Lee Moulden

"A year ago, I was sitting in an office telling all of my coworkers that I was going to move to Thailand to teach English. They all laughed and shrugged it off. My mind was already made up though. I remember pouring over travel blogs and stories dreaming about my future life. I came across the Super English website and that's when I decided that sometimes you need to stop reading about other people's adventures to start writing your own. Living and working in Surat Thani is a blessing- incredible food, incredible people and incredible students. Plus it's the gateway city to some pretty incredible places. Throughout my transition, Super English has been there to help along the way from ordering a taxi to carry my stuff when I moved into my bungalow to checking in every so often just to make sure that everything was alright. So if you're reading this from your office (or bed, desk, couch, etc.), I urge you to take that leap and start your adventure." – Marlana Pawlak

“Moving abroad to teach had been a dream of mine for a very long time before I decided to act on it. When searching the web I stumbled upon the website for Super English. Thailand has always been my number one destination because of the weather, culture and natural beauty. After reading about Super English and talking to Peter I decided that this could be a chance of a lifetime and jumped on the opportunity. As soon as I arrived in Thailand I fell in love with the hot weather, the people and the culture. Thailand made an amazing first impression on me. The more days that pass the more I love this place. Surat Thani is also more than meets the eye, it's the real Thai experience with great prices, friendly people and lots to do. It's also conveniently close to the islands for a quick getaway to the beautiful sights Thailand has to offer. As for Super English - it is an amazing company that is there to help every step of the way! Peter, the staff and all my coworkers have helped me greatly through this huge change and have made this whole experience the best decision I have ever made. As for teaching it is extremely rewarding and the kids could not be any cuter. My first few months here have changed me for the better. I have become comfortable with teaching, made many new friends, and have seen so many amazing parts of the world. I love it here so much I have already decided to renew my contract and stay on teaching with Super English another year to make even more memories.” – Julie Fortier

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